More Cosplay
Mayıs 24, 2016
Halloween / PAX Aus Round-up
Kasım 1, 2015
Even Lingualer
Mart 6, 2015
This seems as good a time as any to mention that multilingual powers have now been extended to include French, Russian, Spanish, Italian and Greek (with more to come). You’ll find the archives for these languages to be more or less completely up to date courtesy of the following awesome fans; French – Céline Dethier…
Multilingual Powers Activate
Şubat 18, 2015
Hey guys, I’m happy to announce that thanks to the work of Brazil’s number one Business Cat fan, Victor Carlos Prado, alongside the wonderful ladies over at Funny Story, Tzu-Ting and Ting-Yu, The Adventures of Business Cat is now a multilingual website. For speakers of Brazilian Portuguese, you will find every single Business Cat strip…
New Merch
Şubat 9, 2015